30,000 patient information exposed at Mississippi hospital

Information of around 30000 patients where exposed at Memorial hospital at Gulfport, Mississippi.The attack happened when an employee at the hospital responded to a phishing mail.
The hospital has issued letters to their patients whose data were leaked notifying them regarding the data breach. The breach occurred as a result of an earlier phishing attack.
when an employee responded to a phishing mail, the attackers got access to the hospital database which compromised the health information of their patients. The attack went unnoticed until the hospital authorities were informed regarding the same.
The leaked data included patient names, Date of birth, health insurance details and medical services. Social security numbers where also exposed as a result of the attack.
The hospital is continuing with the investigation meanwhile it has notified its patients regarding further attacks also. Hospital has apologised to its patients for the breach and has extended support by imparting credit support as well as identity protection services to the affected patients.