Mozilla Firefox and Firefox ESR found with multiple security vulnerabilities
Mozilla Firefox and Firefox ESR have been found to be prone to multiple security vulnerabilities.
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Mozilla Firefox and Firefox ESR have been found to be prone to multiple security vulnerabilities.
Mozilla Firefox was found to be prone to many security vulnerabilities such as :-
a)A cross-site vulnerability
b)Multiple security bypass vulnerability
c)Multiple security vulnerabilities
GNOME gvfs was found to be prone to a Local Authorisation Bypass Vulnerability. Attackers can take note of this issue and exploit it to bypass certain security restrictions and perform unauthorised actions.
Linux Kernel is found to be prone to local arbitrary code-execution vulnerability.An attacker can make use of this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code. If this...
Apache HTTP Server was found to be prone to denial-of-service vulnerability. Exploiting this issue an attacker can cause denial-of-service condition which would deny...
Apache Tomcat was found to be prone to security bypass vulnerability.
An attacker can exploit this issue to bypass certain security restrictions.Thus they can perform unauthorised actions which may aid in further attacks.
Apache Struts was found to be prone to remote code execution vulnerability. An attacker can easily exploit this issue to execute arbitrary code in the context of the affected application. A failed exploit attempt can cause denial-of-service condition.
Affected versions :-
Mozilla firefox and firefox ESR are prone to multiple security vulnerabilities. Attackers can utilise this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code in the context of the browser. Thus they can bypass security restrictions to perform unauthorised actions . They can also steal cookie based authentication credentials.
Schneider electric Floating License manager was found to be prone to multiple security vulnerabilities. An attacker can exploit these vulnerabilities to shut down the affected device. Thus this can deny services to legitimate users .
Linux kernel was found to be prone to arbitrary code-execution vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this issue to execute arbitrary code in the context of the kernel. If the exploit fails it may result in denial-of-service condition.